The following is a list of academic and government reports that you might find useful for housing and homelessness related advocacy. Most of these links are direct to .pdf files, but some link to pages describing the reports, and you can link to the reports from there.
(Scroll down for resources related specifically to tent cities)
Homes Not Handcuffs:The Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities
Criminalizing Poverty: The Criminal Law Power and the Safe Streets Act
"Housing for All: The Social Economy and Homelessness in Victoria"
Calgary's 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness
10-year plan: A Place to Call Home (Edmonton)
A Plan, Not a Dream: How to End Homelessness in Ten Years
A New Vision: What is in Community Plans to End Homelessness?
Bill C-304 Secure, Adequate, Accessible and Affordable Housing Act
Homelessness in Canada: Past, Present, Future
Homelessness, Program Responses and an Assessment of Toronto's Streets to Homes Program
Victoria (City) v. Adams: Advancing the Right to Shelter
Poverty Reduction
Canadian Council on Social Development-Poverty Reduction Policies and Programs
A (proposed) Poverty Reduction Plan for BC
Nova Scotia Poverty Reduction Strategy
Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy
Poverty Reduction - An Action Plan for Newfoundland and Labrador
Developing a poverty reduction plan-New Brunswick
Quebec National Strategy to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion
ALL Aboard: Manitoba’s Poverty Reduction Strategy
Social Determinants of Health
A Healthy Productive Canada: A Determinant of Health Approach
A Life Course Approach to the Social Determinants of Health for Aboriginal Peoples
Act Locally: Community-based population health promotion
Building Action on the Social Determinants of Health
UN Presentation to the Subcommittee on Population Health
WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health - final report
A Discourse Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health
Links to Poverty and Homelessness Related Research Organizations
Canadian Policy Research Networks
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Social Planning and Resource Council BC
Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
Centre for Urban and Community Studies
Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Winnipeg Inner-City Research Alliance
Ordinances and bylaws legalizing urban camping/tent cities
Washington Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington
City of Tumwater (Camp Quixote) Municipal Code 18.59 - Homeless Encampments
Legal Acts Protecting Tent Cities
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
Legal Action Taken Against Tent Cities
City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish
* City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish – Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on City’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction
* City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish – First Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
* City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish – City’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction
* City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish – Preliminary Injunction
* City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish – SHARE/WHEEL Response to Motion for Injunction
* City of Bothell v. St. Brendan Parish - Memorandum of St. Brendan Parish Opposing Preliminary Injunction
Citizen Advisory Committees
Central Saanich, B.C., Land Use Bylaw Amendment 1608 (March 2008)