Tent City 4

'''Tent City 4''' is a homeless encampment of up to 100 people operated by the homeless residents and sponsored by 501(c)(3)organizations Seattle Housing and Resources Effort (SHARE) and Women's Housing Equality and Enhancement League (WHEEL). The camp was created in May 2004 and limits itself to places of worship in eastern King County outside of Seattle. Minors are not allowed in Tent City 4, although there is a provision for emergency situations. Residents may use their own tents or community tents that are segregated by gender. Dumpsters, portable toilets, and a shower, paid for by SHARE, are provided to address sanitation concerns. In order to control access to the encampment, there is only one entry/exit to the camp that is guarded at all times.

Unlike its sister tent city in Seattle, Tent City 3, which moves around Seattle with little to no resistance, Tent City 4's moves are often met with stiff resistance from some residents of the communities they move to. Due to this, King County and many of the cities have established land use codes in an attempt to balance the desire of faith-based organizations to host the camp and the concerns of some of its neighbors over health and safety.

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External links

Latest Media Articles

Tent City 4 relocates to Kirkland church


King County Citizens' Advisory Commission on Homeless Encampments (CACHE)

CACHE Final Report

City of Mercer Island, Tent City: Frequently Asked Questions

City of Shoreline Tent City Results

Press Coverage

Seattle Times

Seattle PI

Seattle Weekly

Northwest News

KUOW Public Radio


The Church Council of Greater Seattle

Seattle Archdiocese

Kirkland Congregational Church

St. John Mary Vianney Catholic Church

St. Jude Catholic Church


*Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington


*Tent City Solutions -- against tent cities advocacy site, contains a number of good links to government documents

Video Links

tent City 4

Media Articles

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